

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in parenthood as I navigate mom life of 3 boys 5 and under with caffeine in hand!

Summer Camp Richmond VA - TimberNook Central Virginia

Summer Camp Richmond VA - TimberNook Central Virginia

 Say goodbye to endless screen time and hello to a summer full of wonder and excitement!  This series of TimberNook summer camp experiences will ignite kids imagination and sense of adventure, all while building confidence and creativity. Kids need space to play and explore after a year in a classroom. Let summer unleash their energy, excitement, and the fun of making messes at this new to Richmond summer camp option.

Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind summer experience this summer for children in the Richmond, Virginia area! TimberNook offers nature-based play experiences that encourage children to explore their senses and unleash their creativity, independence, and imagination in the beautiful outdoors. My boys are counting down the days until their TimberNook camp returns because they had SO much fun last year and I have a feeling your children will be interested too if you are looking for half or full day camps in Richmond, Virginia this summer.

Best Board Games Under 20$ for Family Game Night

Best Board Games Under 20$ for Family Game Night

Best Books for Father's Day for Great Dad Gifts

Best Books for Father's Day for Great Dad Gifts