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Best Airplane Activities for Toddlers and Small Kids

Best Airplane Activities for Toddlers and Small Kids

 Keeping little ones entertained during flights can be challenging, but with the right activities, parents can make the journey more enjoyable for both young kids and fellow passengers. Here's a guide on what works best.  Keeping a busy toddler or 2-year-old entertained and comfortable during a flight can be a bit challenging, but there are several activities and strategies you can try to make the experience more enjoyable for both you and your child.  I've flown with my toddlers many times and it's been a success each trip so planning ahead for travel days is the key to your success during first time trips with little kids or long haul flight trips with older children too!  

Best Airplane Activities for Toddlers and Small Kids

Top Tips When Choosing a Flight
When booking a flight with a toddler, several factors should be considered to ensure a smooth and comfortable travel experience. Here are some key things to think about:

  1. Flight Timing:

    • Time of Day: Consider your toddler's schedule and try to book flights during times when they are typically more relaxed. Some parents prefer flights during nap times.

    • Avoiding Peak Hours: Try to avoid peak travel times to minimize crowds and potential stress for young toddlers and parents.

  2. Flight Duration:

    • Direct vs. Connecting Flights: Direct flights are often preferred with toddlers to minimize time spent in transit and reduce the chances of disruptions during layovers.

    • Shorter Flights: If possible, opt for shorter flight durations to make the journey more manageable for both you and your toddler.

  3. Seat Selection:

    • Bassinet Availability: If your toddler is under 2 years old and meets the airline's criteria, inquire about the availability of bassinets for long-haul flights.

    • Aisle Seats: Consider choosing aisle seats for easier access to the restroom and to allow your toddler to move around a bit.

  4. Airline Amenities and Policies:

    • Family Boarding: Check if the airline offers family boarding, allowing you extra time to settle in before the general boarding begins.

    • Child-Friendly Services: Some airlines provide amenities like kid-friendly meals, entertainment, and activity kits. Inquire about these options when booking.

  5. Packing Essentials:

    • Carry-On Essentials: Pack a carry-on bag with essentials such as diapers, wipes, snacks, toys, books, and a change of clothes for your toddler.

    • Comfort Items: Bring comfort items like a favorite blanket or stuffed animal to help your toddler feel more at ease.

  6. Security Checkpoints:

    • Prepare for Security Checks: Be prepared for security checks by having necessary documents, liquids, and snacks easily accessible in your carry-on.

    • Stroller and Car Seat: Check the airline's policies on bringing a stroller and car seat through security and to the gate.

  7. Health Considerations:

    • Motion Sickness: If your toddler is prone to motion sickness, consult with a pediatrician and consider bringing appropriate remedies.

    • Hydration: Ensure your toddler stays hydrated during the flight.

  8. Entertainment and Distractions:

    • Entertainment Options: Bring a variety of entertainment options, such as books, toys, and electronic devices with child-friendly content.

    • Interactive Games: Plan interactive games or activities to keep your toddler engaged during the flight.

  9. Accommodation at Destination:

    • Child-Friendly Accommodation: Choose accommodation that is child-friendly and meets your family's needs.

  10. Flexibility and Patience:

    • Be Flexible: Understand that travel plans with toddlers may not always go as expected. Be flexible and patient in handling unexpected situations.

Considering these factors can help make the process of booking and taking a flight with a toddler or 2 year old’s more enjoyable and less stressful for both parents and children.

Flying with toddlers can be both challenging and rewarding for parents. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


  1. Adventure and Exposure: Traveling exposes toddlers to new environments, cultures, and experiences, fostering their curiosity and learning.

  2. Family Bonding: Traveling together creates lasting memories and strengthens the family bond through shared adventures.

  3. Educational Opportunities: Toddlers can learn about different places, people, and modes of transportation, contributing to their early education.

  4. Building Resilience: Dealing with the challenges of travel helps toddlers develop resilience and adaptability.

  5. Social Interaction: Traveling provides opportunities for toddlers to interact with new people, enhancing their social skills.

  6. Parental Relaxation: Some parents find that the change of scenery and activities during travel can be a refreshing break even when traveling with tiny humans!


  1. Logistical Challenges: Flying with toddlers involves handling luggage, car seats, strollers, and other necessities, which can be cumbersome.

  2. Flight Discomfort: Toddlers may struggle with ear pressure changes during takeoff and landing, leading to discomfort.

  3. Unpredictable Behavior: Toddlers can be unpredictable, and a long flight may test parents' patience with potential tantrums or restlessness.

  4. Sleep Disruption: Changes in time zones, unfamiliar sleeping arrangements, and the excitement of travel can disrupt toddlers' sleep patterns.

  5. Health Concerns: Exposure to crowded airports and airplanes increases the risk of illness for toddlers.

  6. Costs: Traveling with toddlers can incur additional costs for airline tickets, accommodation, and activities suitable for children.

Tips for Flying with Toddlers:

  1. Plan Ahead: Pack essential items, plan for breaks, and choose toddler-friendly accommodations.

  2. Entertainment: Bring toys, books, and electronic devices to keep toddlers entertained during the flight.

  3. Snacks: Pack a variety of snacks to keep toddlers satisfied and hydrated.

  4. Comfort Items: Bring comfort items such as a favorite blanket or stuffed animal for familiarity.

  5. Be Patient: Expect delays and be patient with your toddler's behavior, understanding that travel can be overwhelming for them.

 Here are some suggestions for favorite airplane activities for younger children.

When packing toys for a flight with a small child, it's important to choose toys that are age-appropriate, compact, and can keep your child entertained for an extended period. Here are some of the best types of toys to consider packing:

Best Airplane Activities to Keep Older Toddlers Busy During Family Travel

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  1. Quiet Books: Quiet books are soft, interactive books that often contain activities like buttoning, zipping, and matching. They're great for keeping little hands busy and engaged. My boys loved these busy books not only for airplane travel but for car trips as well.

  2. Coloring and Activity Books: Bring coloring books, activity books, or sticker books with crayons, markers, or colored pencils. Look for books with large pictures and simple activities that are easy for young children to complete.

  3. Sticker Sets: Sticker sets can be a hit with small children. Provide them with a variety of stickers and a blank pages in notebook or paper to stick them on.  I love reusable sticker books with different themes that kids can stick on the airplane windows or screen on the back of the airplane seat to keep them entertained as well as reuseable sticker books. These are the perfect size to fit into  carry-on bags easily.

  4. Building Blocks: Consider bringing a small set of building blocks or magnetic building tiles that your child can use to create structures. These will be a hit during quiet time and the best toys at home as well.

  5. Sensory Toys: Toys that engage a child's senses can be fascinating. Items like squishy sensory balls, textured fabric toys, or simple musical toys can be entertaining. You can make your own with personal items you already have at home to save money!

  6. Miniature Figures or Dolls: Small action figures, dolls, or animal figurines can spark imaginative play. Bring a small container for storage to avoid losing pieces.  

  7. Interactive Electronic Toys: While you'll want to limit screen time, a tablet with age-appropriate apps or games can be a lifesaver for keeping a child entertained during a long flight. Don't forget to bring headphones.

  8. Travel-sized Art Supplies: If your child enjoys drawing or painting, consider packing a travel-sized art kit with watercolor paints or markers and a small sketchbook.

  9. Books: Bring a selection of your child's favorite board books or new ones they haven't read yet. Interactive lift-the-flap or touch-and-feel books can be especially engaging.

  10. Playdough or Clay: Small containers of playdough or modeling clay can provide sensory stimulation and creative play. Bring a few tools or plastic cookie cutters for added fun.

  11. Miniature Vehicles: Toy cars, airplanes, or trains can be fun for imaginative play on the tray table or in the seat.

  12. Favorite Comfort Items: Don't forget your child's favorite stuffed animal, blanket, or security item for comfort and familiarity. Remember to pack these toys in a small backpack or tote bag that your child can easily carry or access during the flight. Keep in mind that small, easily lost pieces may not be practical for very young children. Choose toys that are safe and suitable for your child's age and development level.

  13. Magic Painting Books - The high-level super thick coloring paper will efficiently avoid water bleeding problems, and this painting book comes with an excellent quality brush pen that allows smooth filling and is designed for small hands to easily grasp during travel activities.

  14. Seek and Find Book - The colorful, illustrated pages wipe clean, so that children can complete and repeat the puzzles time and time again―excellent for developing their problem-solving and observational skills, as well as their fine motor skills and control.

  15. Finger Puppets - 20 pieces of different animal finger puppets for so much fun. All animal puppets with hands and feet, small and cute for best ways for imaginative play even on a few hour flight!

  16. LOTS OF SNACKS - Snacks are a must for best travel toys.  Pack things that are easy to access and open for when your toddler or little one gets hangry!

  17. Window Clings - Removable stickers and reusable: farm animals window thick gel window adsorption film is a vinyl gel adsorption film, which can be easily removed and pasted. Even with small hands, you can remove these thick gel adsorption films at any time and repeat them year after year. Use them repeatedly every year without leaving any residue on the glass.

  18. Water Wow Books - The On the Go Water Wow! Reusable Water books and water-Reveal Activity Pads are a set of engaging animal- and vehicle-themed children’s watercolor books. Each book comes with a refillable water pen.

A lot of these activities work perfectly for road trip activities and hotel room.

Not activity items that parents traveling with kids of all ages should have on hand for diaper bag!

1. Baby wipes

2. Extra diapers

3. Hand sanitizer

4. Snacks 

5. Extra set of clothes

Choosing the right bag for flight entertainment for your child is essential to keep them engaged and happy during the journey. Here are some considerations and suggestions for selecting a suitable bag:

  1. Size and Portability:

    • Choose a bag that is compact and easy to carry. It should fit under the airplane seat or in the overhead bin without being too bulky. Many parents want to use a child sized bookbag but I find that using a adult bookbag is easier because you can fit more and adults can carry it for easier navigation through the airport.

  2. Durability:

    • Opt for a bag made of durable materials that can withstand the rigors of travel. Look for reinforced seams and sturdy zippers to prevent items from falling out.

  3. Accessibility:

    • Select a bag with easy-access compartments or pockets. This allows your child to independently retrieve and stow their entertainment items during the flight.

  4. Clear Sections or Pockets:

    • Bags with clear sections or transparent pockets make it easy for your child to see and choose what they want without having to rummage through the bag.

  5. Comfortable Straps:

    • If your child will be carrying the bag, ensure that it has comfortable and adjustable shoulder straps. Backpack-style bags are often a practical choice.

  6. Organization:

    • Look for a bag with multiple compartments or pockets to help organize different types of entertainment items, such as books, toys, snacks, and electronic devices.

  7. Water-Resistant or Washable Material:

    • Given the possibility of spills or accidents, consider a bag made of water-resistant material or one that is easy to clean.

  8. Theme or Personalization:

    • Choose a bag with a theme or design that your child likes. Personalizing the bag with their name or favorite characters can make it more appealing.

  9. Security Features:

    • If carrying valuables like tablets or electronic devices, ensure the bag has secure closures or even a lock to prevent unauthorized access.

  10. Versatility:

    • Select a bag that can be repurposed for other uses at your destination. For example, a backpack can be used for day trips or outings during your stay.

  11. Age-Appropriate Design:

    • Consider the age and preferences of your child. Younger children may prefer bags with colorful designs, while older kids might appreciate more mature or stylish options.

  12. Include a Name Tag:

    • Attach a name tag with your contact information to the bag in case it gets misplaced. This is especially important if your child will be carrying the bag independently.

  13. Easy to Seal:

    • If your child has small items like crayons or small toys, choose a bag that can be securely sealed to prevent items from falling out.

Remember to involve your child in the selection process, allowing them to choose a bag that reflects their personality and preferences. A well-organized and entertaining bag can make the flight more enjoyable for both you and your child.

Taking a car seat on an airplane is a common practice for parents traveling with young children. Here are some considerations and tips for using a car seat during air travel:


  1. Safety: Using a car seat on an airplane provides an additional layer of safety for your child, especially during takeoff, landing, and in case of turbulence.

  2. Familiarity: Toddlers are already familiar with their car seats, and using it on the plane can provide a sense of comfort and routine.

  3. Consistency: Having a familiar and secure seat can help toddlers stay in one place, making it easier for them to sleep during the flight.

  4. Car Rental: If you plan to rent a car at your destination, having your own car seat ensures that it meets safety standards and is suitable for your child.


  1. Bulk and Weight: Car seats can be bulky and heavy, making them challenging to carry through the airport. Some parents find it inconvenient, especially if they have to manage other luggage.

  2. Airplane Seat Size: Not all airplane seats can accommodate every type of car seat. It's essential to check with the airline to ensure that your car seat is compatible with their seating configuration.

  3. Costs: Some airlines may allow you to check a car seat for free, while others might count it as part of your luggage allowance. Check the airline's policy to avoid unexpected fees.

Tips for Taking a Car Seat on an Airplane for Long-Haul Flights:

  1. Check Airline Policies: Before your trip, check the airline's policy on using car seats. Some airlines may have specific regulations regarding the use of car seats on board.

  2. Use an FAA-Approved Seat: Ensure that your car seat is approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for use on airplanes. Most modern car seats meet these standards.

  3. Book a Separate Seat: If your child is under 2 years old and you want to use a car seat, consider booking a separate seat for them. While some airlines allow children under 2 to travel on a parent's lap for free, having a dedicated seat can enhance safety.

  4. Consider Alternatives: If carrying a car seat seems impractical, consider alternatives such as using an approved child restraint system designed specifically for air travel.

  5. Install the Seat Correctly: Follow the airline and car seat manufacturer's guidelines for installing the seat correctly on the airplane seat.

Taking a car seat on an airplane can be a beneficial choice for safety-conscious parents, but it's important to weigh the pros and cons and consider the logistics of your trip.

It's also a good idea to have some extra clothing, diapers, and wipes handy in case of accidents. Additionally, make sure to comply with airline safety regulations and be considerate of other passengers by trying to minimize disturbances.

Each child is unique, so it may take some trial and error to figure out what works best for your 2-year-old or young child on a flight. Tailor your approach to their interests and temperament to help ensure a smoother flight.  By considering these tips, parents can create a stress-free travel experience for both themselves and their toddlers. Remember to be considerate of fellow passengers and choose activities that are suitable for the confined space of an airplane. Happy travels!

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