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5 Letter Baby Unique Names with Meanings

5 Letter Baby Unique Names with Meanings

Selecting a first name for your little one is a difficult and exciting journey. Among the multitude of options, five-letter baby names stand out for their concise yet impactful nature. These names possess a unique charm, offering simplicity without compromising on depth or significance. From timeless classics to modern name gems, let’s explore why 5-letter baby names are exceptional choices and delve into a curated list of 100 names across genders, each carrying its own heritage and meaning.  

Embrace Elegance: 5-Letter Baby Names for Every Child

Why 5-Letter Names Are Great Choices:

The allure of 5-letter names lies in their brevity and resonance, and they pair so well with long names for last names. These 5 letter baby boy names and 5-letter girl names strike a balance between being memorable and easy to spell or pronounce. Their compactness doesn’t limit the depth of meaning or cultural richness they can carry.

The 5 letter cute names for babies offer a touch of elegance, often leaving a lasting impression while remaining versatile in various cultural contexts. Whether you seek a name with historical roots or a contemporary twist, five-letter names offer a spectrum of options that cater to diverse preferences of more unique names or want to make a choice with an intentional meaning of the name you cannot go wrong with this list of 5 letter baby name options.

List of 211 5 Letter Boy Names:

Boy Names:

  1. Ethan (Hebrew) - Strong, firm

  2. David (Hebrew) - Beloved

  3. Felix (Latin) - Fortunate, happy

  4. Lucas (Latin) - Bright, shining

  5. Henry (Germanic) - Ruler of the household

  6. Lance (Germanic) - Land

  7. Jason (Greek) - Healer.  While it is one of the most common boy names on this list it brings a strong traditional vibe.

  8. Oscar (Irish) - Friend of deer

  9. Kevin (Irish) - Gentle birth

  10. Logan (Gaelic) - Small hollow

  11. Mason (English) - Worker in stone

  12. Peter (Greek) - Rock

  13. Quinn (Irish) - Descendant of Conn

  14. Simon (Hebrew) - Listener.  This is one of my favorite Hebrew names.

  15. Riley (Irish) - Courageous

  16. Felix (Latin) - Lucky, successful

  17. Caleb (Hebrew) - Faithful, devoted

  18. Aaron (Hebrew) - Exalted, strong

  19. Colin (Irish) - Young creature

  20. Andre (French) - Manly, brave

  21. Louis (French) - Famous warrior

  22. Felix (Latin) - Fortunate, happy

  23. Isaac (Hebrew) - Laughter

  24. Miles (Latin) - Soldier

  25. Caleb (Hebrew) - Faithful, devoted

  26. Casey (Irish) - Brave in battle

  27. Dante (Italian) - Enduring

  28. Derek (English) - Ruler of the people

  29. Ellis (Welsh) - Benevolent

  30. Felix (Latin) - Fortunate, happy

  31. Gideon (Hebrew) - Mighty warrior

  32. Glenn (Gaelic) - Valley

  33. Jason (Greek) - Healer

  34. Jesse (Hebrew) - God’s gift

  35. Marco (Italian) - Warlike

  36. Paolo (Italian) - Small

  37. Robin (English) - Bright fame

  38. Rocco (Italian) - Rest

  39. Ryder (English) - Horseman

  40. Shane (Irish) - God is gracious

  41. Simon (Hebrew) - Listener

  42. Steve (Greek) - Crown, garland

  43. Titus (Latin) - Title of honor

  44. Tyson (English) - Son of a German

  45. Vince (Latin) - Conquering

  46. Wyatt (English) - Guide, wide

  47. Zeke (Hebrew) - God strengthens

  48. Tommy (English) - Twin

  49. Tracy (Irish) - Brave

  50. Alvin (English) - Noble friend

  51. Angelo (Greek) - Messenger of God

  52. Bryce (Scottish) - Speckled

  53. Clark (English) - Clerk, scholar

  54. Damon (Greek) - Constant, loyal

  55. Eddie (English) - Wealthy protector

  56. Felix (Latin) - Fortunate, happy

  57. Gavin (Welsh) - White hawk

  58. Harry (Germanic) - Home ruler

  59. Jacky (Hebrew) - Supplanter

  60. Jonah (Hebrew) - Dove

  61. Kelly (Irish) - Bright-headed

  62. Lance (Germanic) - Land

  63. Larry (English) - Laurel tree

  64. Myles (Latin) - Soldier

  65. Orion (Greek) - Hunter

  66. Perry (English) - Pear tree

  67. Ralph (English) - Wolf counselor

  68. Renzo (Italian) - Laurel

  69. Serge (Latin) - Servant

  70. Silas (Latin) - Man of the forest

  71. Teddy (English) - Wealthy guardian

  72. Timmy (Greek) - Honoring God

  73. Tommy (English) - Twin

  74. Vijay (Sanskrit) - Victory

  75. Wally (Germanic) - Ruler of the army

  76. Kekoa - Meaning "brave" or "warrior."

  77. Kalua - Referring to a type of cooking in an underground oven.

  78. Koahe - Symbolizing "swift" or "fast."

  79. Makai - Meaning "toward the sea."

  80. Akoni - The Hawaiian form of "Anthony."

  81. Arman - Meaning "ideal" or "hope."

  82. Kouro - Referring to the legendary Persian king.

  83. Arian - Representing "noble" or "pure."

  84. Darya - Translating to "sea" or "ocean" Arabic origin.

  85. Rezaa - A name meaning "contentment" or "satisfaction."

  86. Ennio - Italian name meaning "chosen one" or "predestined."

  87. Paolo - Signifying "small" or "humble." Italian origin

  88. Dante - Translating to "enduring" or "steadfast."

  89. Marco - Referring to the Roman god of war, "Mars."

  90. Romeo - Meaning "pilgrim to Rome" or "from Rome."

  91. Felix - Roman unique boy name Meaning "lucky" or "successful."

  92. Julius - Referring to the Roman family name, possibly derived from "youthful."

  93. Lucio - Signifying name's meaning "light" or "illumination."

  94. Silas - Meaning "of the forest" or "woods."

  95. Titus - Translating to "title of honor" or "defender."

Unique Girl Names:

  1. Avery (English) - Ruler of elves

  2. Robin (English) - Bright fame

  3. Casey (Irish origin) - Brave in battle

  4. Jesse (Hebrew) - God’s gift

  5. Blair (Scottish origin) - Dweller on the plain

  6. Riley (Irish) - Courageous

  7. Ellis (Welsh) - Benevolent

  8. Rowan (Gaelic) - Little redhead

  9. Sasha (Russian) - Defender of mankind

  10. Emily (Latin) - Industrious, striving

  11. Grace (Latin) - Elegance, kindness

  12. Sarah (Hebrew) - Princess

  13. Alice (Germanic) - Noble, kind

  14. Hazel (English) - Hazelnut tree

  15. Elise (French origin) - Consecrated to God

  16. Kylie (Australian Aboriginal) - Boomerang

  17. Linda (Spanish origin) - Pretty one

  18. Julia (Latin) - Youthful

  19. Layla (Arabic) - Night

  20. Amber (Arabic) - Jewel

  21. Diana (Latin) - Divine, heavenly

  22. Fiona (Gaelic) - Fair, white

  23. Holly (English) - Plant name

  24. Kayla (Hebrew) - Crown of laurels

  25. Lacey (English) - Cheerful

  26. Maria (Latin) - Wished-for child

  27. Nancy (Hebrew) - Grace

  28. Olive (Latin) - Symbol of peace

  29. Petra (Greek) - Rock

  30. Robin (English) - Bright fame

  31. Sally (Hebrew) - Princess

  32. Tessa (Greek) - Harvester

  33. Wendy (English) - Literary name

  34. April (Latin) - Opening buds of spring

  35. Bella (Italian) - Beautiful

  36. Chloe (Greek) - Blooming

  37. Darcy (Irish) - Dark one

  38. Edith (Old English) - Prosperous in war

  39. Flora (Latin) - Flower

  40. Greta (German origin) - Pearl

  41. Heidi (Germanic) - Noble, kind

  42. Jodie (Hebrew) - Praised

  43. Keira (Irish) - Dark-haired

  44. Libby (English) - God is my oath

  45. Mabel (Latin) - Lovable

  46. Nancy (Hebrew) - Grace

  47. Orlie (Latin) - Golden

  48. Piper (English) - Pipe player

  49. Queen (English) - Royal title

  50. Rosie (Latin) - Rose

  51. Sadie (Hebrew) - Princess

  52. Talia (Hebrew) - Dew from God

  53. Viola (Latin) - Violet

  54. Zelda (German) - Gray fighting maid

  55. Adele (Germanic) - Noble

  56. Betsy (Hebrew) - God is my oath

  57. Celia (Latin) - Heavenly

  58. Donna (Italian) - Lady

  59. Eliza (Hebrew) - God is my oath

  60. Fleur (French) - Flower

  61. Gilda (Germanic) - Covered with a thin layer

  62. Halle (Scandinavian) - Rock

  63. Leona (Latin) - Lioness

  64. Mavis (Old French) - Songbird

  65. Nelly (Greek) - Shining light

  66. Olive (Latin origin) - Symbol of peace

  67. Petra (Greek) - Rock

  68. Raine (English) - Queen

  69. Tanya (Russian) - Fairy queen

  70. Venus (Latin) - Goddess of love

  71. Wendy (English) - Literary name

  72. Xavia (Arabic) - New home

  73. Yulia (Russian) - Youthful

  74. Zaria (Arabic) - Blossom

  75. Alice (Germanic) - Noble, kind

  76. Leiko - One of my favorite Hawaiian names Representing "little flower."

  77. Malie - Hawaiian name meaning "calm" or "serene."

  78. Nohea - Referring to "lovely" or "handsome."  Hawaiian origin

  79. Ipohe - Translating to "sweetheart." Hawaiian origin

  80. Ailie - The Hawaiian version of "Eileen."

  81. Laleh - This Persian origin name is signifying "tulip," a common flower in Persian culture.

  82. Yasme - Meaning "jasmine," a fragrant beautiful flower.

  83. Royaa - Referring to a "dream" or "vision."

  84. Paria - Representing "fairy-like" or "angelic."

  85. Feres - Meaning "glorious" or "fortunate."

  86. Elisa - Italian name signifying "God is my oath" or "consecrated to God."

  87. Carla - Meaning "free woman" or "strong." Italian origin

  88. Sofia - Translating to "wisdom" or "intelligence" in Italian origin.

  89. Laura - Referring to "laurel" or "victory."

  90. Diana - Signifying the Roman goddess of the moon and hunting.

  91. Flora - Roman origin name Referring to the Roman goddess of flowers and spring.

  92. Junia - Roman name Meaning "youth" or "young."

  93. Lucia - Roman name signifying "light" or "brightness."

  94. Petra - Roman origin name translating to "rock" or "stone."

  95. Vesta - Referring to the Roman goddess of the hearth and home.

Here's a list of 50 gender neutral name and unisex name ideas that are five-letter baby names:

  1. Avery - Ruler of elves (English origin)

  2. Casey - Brave in battle (Irish)

  3. Ellis - Benevolent (English)

  4. Blair - Dweller on the plain (Scottish)

  5. Robin - Bright fame (English)

  6. Riley - Courageous (Irish)

  7. Quinn - Descendant of Conn (Irish)

  8. Jesse - God’s gift (Hebrew)

  9. Logan - Small hollow (Gaelic)

  10. Angel - Messenger of God (Greek origin)

  11. Danae - Greek mythology name (Greek)

  12. Devon - Poet (English)

  13. Jamie - Supplanter (Hebrew)

  14. Kelly - Bright-headed (Irish)

  15. Reese - Enthusiastic (Welsh)

  16. River - Flowing body of water (English)

  17. Storm - Tempest (English)

  18. Terry - Ruler of the people (Germanic)

  19. Corey - Hollow (Irish)

  20. Rylan - Island meadow (English)

  21. Rowan - Little redhead (Gaelic)

Here are some historically popular five-letter baby names:


  1. Ethan

  2. James

  3. Mason

  4. Logan

  5. Jacob


  1. Emily

  2. Chloe

  3. Grace

  4. Sarah

  5. Avery

These names have seen widespread usage and popularity in recent years. However, popularity can fluctuate over time and can also vary significantly based on geographic regions, cultural influences, and current trends.

 When seeking phonetic harmony between a short first name and a longer last name, it's about finding a balance in syllables and sounds. Here are some examples where a 5-letter first name is paired with a longer last name for a good phonetic flow:

  1. Ethan Montgomery

  2. Clara Harrington

  3. Grace Anderson

  4. Aiden Wellington

  5. Elise Jefferson

  6. Henry Livingston

  7. Olivia Harrington

  8. Logan Kensington

  9. Alice Harrington

  10. Mason Livingston

The goal is to maintain a smooth rhythm when saying the full name aloud. Shorter first names can often complement longer last names, creating a balanced and melodic flow in pronunciation.

In the symphony of baby names, 5-letter names stand as melodious notes, each carrying its own narrative and significance. Their concise yet profound nature makes them appealing choices for any child, encapsulating heritage, values, and aspirations within a compact frame. Whether you're drawn to the classics or seeking a modern twist, the realm of 5-letter names is vast, offering a treasure trove of options that can resonate with any family's unique story. Embrace the elegance and depth these names offer as you embark on this joyous journey of naming your little one.

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4 Letter Unique Baby Boy Names with Meanings List

4 Letter Unique Baby Boy Names with Meanings List

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