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Baby Short and Sweet Boy and Girl 4-letter names & meanings

Baby Short and Sweet Boy and Girl 4-letter names & meanings

Embracing brevity without sacrificing style, four-letter baby names carry a unique allure. In this exploration, we dive into a collection of 200 charming, concise, and culturally diverse names that resonate with significance. From timeless classics to modern gems, discover the beauty and power nestled within these succinct yet impactful names.

200 Enchanting 4-Letter Baby Names: Short, Sweet, and Stylish!

Here are the origins and meanings of the shorter baby names:

  1. Adya: Derived from the Germanic roots, "Adya" embodies a sense of nobility and grace, signifying "noble" or "nobility."

  2. Aina: Originating from both Finnish and Nigerian origins, "Aina" holds a unique duality. In Finnish, it symbolizes continuity and constancy, translating to "always." In Nigerian culture, it navigates a different path, representing the resilience to overcome "difficulties."

  3. Alia: Rooted in Arabic heritage, "Alia" resonates with a sense of elevation and grandeur, embodying the essence of "exalted" or "sublime."

  4. Amma: Hailing from the African Akan culture, "Amma" encapsulates the identity of being "born on Saturday," carrying the pride of one's cultural heritage.

  5. Amya: Though the exact origin remains elusive, "Amya" retains a mysterious allure as the meaning lacks wide documentation, inviting interpretations and personal significance.

  6. Aria: An Italian gem, "Aria" paints a vivid picture, evoking feelings of lightness and beauty as it signifies "air" or "melody" in the language of Italy.

  7. Beck: With English roots, "Beck" flows like a gentle stream, capturing the essence of a "stream" or "brook," reflecting natural tranquility.

  8. Bree: Originating from Ireland, "Bree" stands as a testament to resilience and inner strength, embodying the qualities of "strength" or "virtue."

  9. Bria: Rooted in Irish heritage, "Bria" echoes the sentiment of fortitude and nobility, carrying the essence of being "strong" or "noble."

  10. Cara: Originating from Latin, Irish, and Italian origins, "Cara" unites diverse meanings. In Latin, it represents endearment, signifying "beloved." In Irish, it signifies companionship as "friend." In Italian, it speaks to the face, embodying a different aspect of identity.

  11. Cleo: Rooted in Greek origins, "Cleo" embodies a sense of honor and dignity, signifying "glory" or "pride."

  12. Coco: Emerging from Spanish origins, "Coco" gains popularity due to its association with a Disney movie, serving as a casual nickname derived from the term "coconut."

  13. Cora: Sprung from a Greek word base, "Cora" exudes purity and youthfulness, symbolizing "maiden" or "maidenly."

  14. Dara: With origins in Hebrew and Irish, "Dara" unveils a dual identity. In Hebrew, it shines as the "pearl of wisdom," while in Irish, it stands tall as an "oak tree."

  15. Dana: Steeped in Hebrew roots and echoed in English, "Dana" signifies a connection to divine judgment, translating to "God is my judge" in Hebrew and holding varied meanings across different cultures.

  16. Dina: Rooted firmly in Hebrew, "Dina" bears the weight of being "judged" or "vindicated."

  17. Dior: Borrowed from the French, "Dior" reflects elegance and style, derived from the surname of the renowned fashion designer Christian Dior.

  18. Dita: Originating from Old German, "Dita" represents a precious offering, translating to "rich gift."

  19. Echo: Stemming from Greek origins, "Echo" captures the essence of sound and resonance, embodying the concept of a "reverberating sound."

  20. Eden: Rooted in Hebrew, "Eden" paints a picturesque scene, representing a place of bliss and pleasure, reminiscent of the biblical Garden of Eden.

  21. Erin: With its roots in Irish heritage, "Erin" embodies tranquility and a connection to the land, signifying "peace" or poetically referring to "Ireland."

  22. Eris: Emerging from Greek mythology, "Eris" stands as the goddess of conflict, representing strife and discord in ancient Greek lore.

  23. Faye: Originating from English and Old French, "Faye" carries an ethereal essence, symbolizing both "fairy" enchantment and steadfast "loyalty."

  24. Fern: Rooted in English origins, "Fern" mirrors the plant it represents, signifying sincerity and fascination, often associated with resilience and natural beauty.

  25. Fina: Embracing Spanish and Italian roots, "Fina" holds a diverse identity. In Spanish, it stands as a diminutive of "Josephine," while in Italian, it speaks to conclusions and finality, meaning "end" or "final."

  26. Gia: With an Italian origin, "Gia" reflects gratitude and divine benevolence, encapsulating the sentiment of "God is gracious."

  27. Gigi: Born from French origins, "Gigi" is an affectionate and endearing term, often used as a nickname without a specific literal meaning.

  28. Gise: Originating from Scandinavian heritage, "Gise" embodies a sense of commitment and trust, signifying a "pledge" or "hostage," highlighting the importance of promises and fidelity.

  29. Gita: With its origins rooted in Sanskrit, "Gita" embodies the essence of both "song" and the revered Hindu scriptures.

  30. Hana: Derived from Arabic and Japanese, "Hana" paints a dual portrait of joy, representing "happiness" and "flower" in Japanese while also symbolizing "bliss" and "hope" in Arabic.

  31. Hani: Originating from Arabic, "Hani" encapsulates delight and happiness, signifying a state of being "happy" or "delighted."

  32. Hera: In the realms of Greek mythology, "Hera" stands as the queen of gods, revered as the goddess of marriage and women.

  33. Hope: Originating from English, "Hope" serves as a beacon, symbolizing optimism and unwavering "hope" or "faith."

  34. Inez: Embracing Spanish and Portuguese roots, "Inez" represents purity and divine virtue, resonating with the meaning of "pure" or "holy."

  35. Inka: With origins in the Incan (Quechua) heritage, "Inka" embodies grandeur and authority, denoting "emperor" or "king."

  36. Iyla: Rooted in Arabic origins, "Iyla" captures the allure of the night, signifying "moonlight" or "beautiful."

  37. Jade: Reflecting Spanish and English influences, "Jade" mirrors the precious green gemstone, symbolizing harmony, balance, and natural beauty.

  38. Jael: Stemming from Hebrew roots, "Jael" embodies strength and agility, meaning "mountain goat" or "wild goat."

  39. Jaya: Originating from Sanskrit, "Jaya" resonates with triumph and accomplishment, representing "victory" or "success."

  40. Joss: Originating from English, "Joss" conveys both identity and divine favor, signifying a "member of the Germanic tribe" while also hinting at the grace of "God."

  41. Kaya (First Entry): Originating from Japanese and Native American heritage, "Kaya" holds diverse meanings. In Japanese, it symbolizes strength as "a yew tree" or stability as "rock." In Native American cultures, it signifies reverence as "elder sister."Kaya (Second Entry): With Turkish roots, "Kaya" reflects solidity and strength, denoting "rock" or "cliff."

  42. Kiki: Rooted in Greek origins, "Kiki" serves as an endearing nickname, often bestowed upon individuals with names starting with "K," such as Christina.

  43. Kira: Originating from Russian origins, "Kira" embodies leadership, rulership, and endearment, signifying "leader," "ruler," or "beloved."

  44. Lana: Hailing from Hawaiian and Slavic origins, "Lana" embodies a sense of tranquility. In Hawaiian, it speaks to a sense of floating or being "calm as still waters," while in Slavic languages, it represents "wool" or "softness."

  45. Lani: Rooted in Hawaiian culture, "Lani" elevates one's identity to celestial heights, symbolizing the "sky" or "heaven."

  46. Lila: With roots in Arabic and Sanskrit, "Lila" paints a picturesque portrayal. In Arabic, it signifies the "night's" mystique, while in Sanskrit, it embodies a playful or divine essence.

  47. Luna: Originating from Italian and Spanish, "Luna" illuminates the night sky, symbolizing the serene beauty of the "moon."

  48. Lumi: Derived from Finnish origins, "Lumi" captures the purity and softness of winter's charm, denoting "snow."

  49. Mika: Found in both Japanese and Native American cultures, "Mika" embraces beauty and nature. In Japanese, it exudes fragrance or delicate "flower stems," while in Native American traditions, it represents the "raccoon."

  50. Maya: Rooted in both Sanskrit and Hebrew origins, "Maya" weaves a tapestry of meanings. In Sanskrit, it illustrates the enigmatic nature of "illusion" or "magic," while in Hebrew, it embodies the essence of "water."

  51. Mina: Rooted in Germanic and Persian origins, "Mina" embodies love and desire. In Germanic, it signifies "love" or "desire," while in Persian, it represents a "blue gem."

  52. Mira: With Slavic and Sanskrit roots, "Mira" encompasses tranquility and prosperity. In Slavic, it denotes "peace" or "world," while in Sanskrit, it symbolizes "prosperous" or "wonderful."

  53. Mila: Originating from Slavic heritage, "Mila" exudes graciousness and endearment, signifying "gracious" or "dear."

  54. Nala: Reflecting African and Sanskrit roots, "Nala" represents diverse meanings. In African cultures, it embodies the significance of a "gift," while in Sanskrit, it symbolizes a "stem" or "reed."

  55. Nava: With Hebrew origins, "Nava" epitomizes beauty and pleasantness, signifying "beautiful" or "pleasant."

  56. Naya: Originating from Arabic and Native American cultures, "Naya" embraces renewal and wisdom. In Arabic, it represents "new" or "renewal," while in Native American cultures, it embodies "wise."

  57. Navi: Rooted in Sanskrit, "Navi" captures freshness and new beginnings, denoting "new" or "fresh."

  58. Nita: Hailing from Native American (Choctaw) heritage, "Nita" symbolizes strength and endurance, signifying a "bear."

  59. Nola: With Irish origins, "Nola" radiates fame and nobility, representing "famous" or "noble."

  60. Nova: Derived from Latin origins, "Nova" signifies freshness and youth, embodying "new" or "young."

  61. Oona: Originating from Irish roots, "Oona" reflects innocence and gentleness, signifying a "lamb."

  62. Opal: Rooted in Sanskrit, "Opal" symbolizes hope, purity, and truth, mirroring the characteristics of the opal gemstone.

  63. Orla: Born from Irish heritage, "Orla" represents regality and grace, denoting a "golden princess."

  64. Pema (First Entry): Originating from Tibetan roots, "Pema" embodies the essence of a lotus or flower.

  65. Pema (Second Entry): With Sanskrit origins, "Pema" echoes the symbolism of a lotus or supreme significance.

  66. Rain: Originating from English, "Rain" embodies the beauty and serenity of precipitation, signifying the falling of raindrops from the sky.

  67. Rhea: Rooted in Greek mythology, "Rhea" stands as a powerful Titaness and mother of the gods.

  68. Rina: Stemming from Hebrew and Japanese cultures, "Rina" encompasses joyous melodies and purity. In Hebrew, it represents "joy" or "song," while in Japanese, it symbolizes "jasmine."

  69. Sage: Originating from English roots, "Sage" embodies wisdom and prophetic insight, signifying a "wise one" or "prophet."

  70. Sana: With origins in Arabic, "Sana" radiates brilliance and radiance, signifying "radiance" or "brilliance."

  71. Sara: Rooted in Hebrew, "Sara" embodies regal stature and noble heritage, representing a "princess" or "noblewoman."

  72. Suki: Hailing from Japanese heritage, "Suki" signifies endearment and cherished love, embodying a "beloved" or "loved one."

  73. Tala: Embracing Filipino and Native American origins, "Tala" shines brightly as a "star" in Filipino culture and signifies the spirit of a "wolf" in Native American traditions.

  74. Taya: Originating from Native American (Yamani) heritage, "Taya" represents the essence of a "little wolf."

  75. Thea: Rooted in Greek mythology, "Thea" embodies divinity and goddess-like qualities.

  76. Ulla: With Scandinavian roots, "Ulla" signifies determination and willpower, representing "willpower" or "determination."

  77. Vara: Derived from Sanskrit, "Vara" represents blessings and boons, signifying a "blessing" or "boon."

  78. Veda: Rooted in Sanskrit, "Veda" stands for ancient scriptures and wisdom, representing "knowledge" or "wisdom."

  79. Vida: Originating from Spanish, "Vida" epitomizes the essence of life itself, signifying "life."

  80. Wren: Rooted in English origins, "Wren" symbolizes the melodious songbird known for its beautiful chirping.

  81. Wynn: Originating from Welsh origins, "Wynn" embodies fairness and blessings, signifying "fair" or "blessed."

  82. Xara: With Greek origins, "Xara" signifies brightness and royalty, embodying a "princess" or "bright" spirit.

  83. Xena: Originating from Greek, "Xena" represents hospitality and welcome, signifying "hospitable" or "welcoming."

  84. Yani: Rooted in Greek, "Yani" embodies peace and divine gifts, signifying "peaceful" or a "gift of God."

  85. Yara: Originating from Arabic and Brazilian cultures, "Yara" embodies the beauty of nature, symbolizing a "small butterfly" in Arabic and holding various meanings in Brazilian culture.

  86. Yuna: Stemming from Japanese origins, "Yuna" embodies gentleness and kindness, signifying a "gentle" or "kind" spirit.

  87. Zara: With Arabic and Hebrew origins, "Zara" embodies royal stature and the potential to blossom. In Arabic, it signifies a "princess," while in Hebrew, it represents a "seed" or the ability "to blossom."

  88. Zola: Originating from Italian roots, "Zola" embodies the earthy essence, signifying "earth" or a "ball of earth."

  89. Zoey: Rooted in Greek origins, "Zoey" symbolizes the very essence of life, embodying the meaning of "life."

Here's a list of 102 four-letter baby boy names with origin info and meaning. These 4 letter boy names are great shorter names. These boys' names provide information on origin and meaning of this name list.

  1. Abel (Hebrew): Derived from the Hebrew name הֶבֶל (Hevel), meaning "breath" or "vapor." In the Bible, Abel was the son of Adam and Eve, known for being a virtuous and innocent shepherd.

  2. Adam (Hebrew): Originating from the Hebrew word אָדָם ('adam) meaning "man" or "to be red." In religious texts, Adam is the first man created by God in the Judeo-Christian tradition.

  3. Alan (Breton): Derived from the Breton name Alun, which possibly means "little rock" or "harmony" in Breton. It has Celtic origins and variations in different languages.

  4. Alec (Greek): A diminutive of Alexander, which means "defender of mankind." It has Greek roots and is often used as a short form of the name Alexander.

  5. Alex (Greek): A short form of Alexander or Alexandra. It derives from the Greek name Alexandros, meaning "defender of the people."

  6. Amin (Arabic): Originating from Arabic, it means "truthful," "trustworthy," or "faithful." It's a name associated with virtues and honesty.

  7. Amir (Arabic): Coming from Arabic, it translates to "prince," "commander," or "leader." It signifies someone with authority or leadership qualities.

  8. Andy (Greek): Often a diminutive of Andrew, which means "manly" or "brave" in Greek. It can also stand alone as a name and is associated with courage.

  9. Aron (Hebrew): A variant of Aaron, originating from Hebrew. It means "exalted" or "high mountain." Aaron was the brother of Moses in the Bible.

  10. Axel (Scandinavian): Derived from the Old Norse name Ásleikr, combining elements meaning "ancestor" and "battle." It can also mean "father of peace" in Scandinavian languages, often associated with the name Absalom.

  11. Brad (English): A shortened form of Bradley, which is derived from a surname meaning "broad clearing" in Old English. It references a wide open space in a wooded area.  Made a most popular names from the actor Brad Pitt.

  12. Bram (Dutch): Originally a short form of Abraham, Bram is a Dutch name derived from the Hebrew name Avraham, meaning "father of many" or "exalted father."

  13. Bret (English): Often a variant spelling of Brett. It originates from Old English, possibly derived from the word meaning "from Brittany" or "a Breton."

  14. Burt - Short form of Burton.   The name "Burton" is derived from Old English words, "burh" meaning "fortress" or "town" and "tun" meaning "enclosure" or "settlement." As a surname, it likely indicated someone who lived by a fortified town or settlement.

  15. Cade (English): An English name that means "round" or "lumpy" or possibly derived from a Welsh surname meaning "son of Cad" (Cad being a Welsh name element).

  16. Carl (Germanic): Derived from the Germanic name Karl, meaning "man" or "free man." It is a strong name that has royal associations in various European countries.

  17. Chad (English): Originating from Old English, it means "warrior" or "warlike." It was also a geographic term referring to a place in England.

  18. Cian (Irish): An Irish name meaning "ancient" or "long-standing." It's a name with roots in Irish mythology and has historical significance in Ireland.

  19. Cole (English): A name of English origin, derived from the Middle English word "col," meaning "charcoal" or "coal." It could symbolize darkness or strength.

  20. Colt (English): This one syllable name Colt refers to a young male horse. The name is associated with vigor, youthfulness, and sometimes with the American West.

  21. Cory (English): Derived from the Gaelic word "coire," meaning "cauldron" or "hollow." It's also a diminutive of the name Cornelius, meaning "horn" in Latin.

  22. Curt - Diminutive of Curtis.  "Curtis" or "Curtiss" is of Old French origin, derived from the Old French word "curteis," which means "courteous" or "polite." Hence, the name generally carries the connotation of being polite, well-mannered, or courteous.

  23. Dale (English): Originates from Old English, meaning "valley." It refers to a flatland or a valley, often associated with natural landscapes.

  24. Dara (Khmer, Gaelic, Hebrew, African): Dara is a beautiful name has multiple origins and meanings. In Khmer, it means "star." In Gaelic, it means "oak tree" or "wealthy." In Hebrew, it can mean "wisdom" or "compassion." It's also found in some African languages with various meanings.

  25. Dean (English): Originating from Old English, it means "valley" or "dweller in the valley." It often signifies someone living near a valley or with connections to a valley.

  26. Drew (Welsh): A shortened form of Andrew, originating from Greek, meaning "manly" or "brave." In Welsh, it can also mean "wise" or "truthful."

  27. Elon (Hebrew roots): A Hebrew name meaning "oak tree" or "mighty." It's also the name of a character in the Bible, Elon the judge.  Also many Americans will think of Elon Musk.

  28. Enzo (Italian): Derived from the German name Heinz, Enzo means "ruler of the household." It's a short form of names like Lorenzo or Vincenzo.

  29. Evan (Welsh): A Welsh name derived from Iefan, a form of John, meaning "God is gracious" or "gift of God."

  30. Ezra (Hebrew): Originating from Hebrew, it means "help" or "aid." Ezra is also a biblical name and figure known for his scribe and priestly roles.

  31. Finn (Irish): A name with Irish origins, meaning "fair" or "white." It's associated with Finn MacCool, a legendary Irish hero.

  32. Gael (Irish): Coming from Irish origins, it means "stranger" or "foreigner." It also relates to the Gaelic language and culture in Ireland and Scotland.

  33. Gage (English): Derived from an Old French word "gage," meaning "pledge" or "oath." It's associated with the concept of a promise or a pledge.

  34. Gary (English): A name that gained popularity in the 20th century, it's derived from a surname which means "spear" in Old English. It can also be linked to the Germanic word for "spear."

  35. Glen (Scottish surname): A name associated with Scotland, referring to a secluded valley. It's derived from the Gaelic word "gleann," meaning "valley."

  36. Gray (English): An old English name that means "gray-haired" or "son of the bailiff." It's also a color name, associated with shades of gray.

  37. Greg (Greek): Short for Gregory, which comes from the Greek name Gregorios, meaning "vigilant" or "watchful."

  38. Hank (Old English Origin): Often a diminutive of Henry, which has German origin, meaning "ruler of the household" or "estate ruler."

  39. Hari (Sanskrit): Originating from Sanskrit, it means "lion" or "king." It's also associated with the Hindu god Vishnu.

  40. Hugo (Germanic): Derived from the Germanic name Huguo, meaning "mind," "spirit," or "heart." It signifies intelligence and intellect.

  41. Ivan (Slavic): Derived from the Slavic name Iván, which is a form of John, meaning "God is gracious."

  42. Jack (English): A diminutive of John, originating from Hebrew, meaning "God is gracious." It has been a popular name across different cultures for centuries. Common four-letter names usage in the United States.

  43. Jake(Hebrew): A short form of Jacob, which comes from Hebrew and means "supplanter" or "holder of the heel." In the Bible, Jacob was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel.

  44. Jari (Finnish): A Finnish name meaning "warrior" or "fighter," signifying strength and bravery.

  45. Jaxx (English): A modern variation of Jack or Jackson. It doesn't have a historical meaning but is often chosen for its contemporary and unique sound.

  46. Jett (English): Derived from the English word "jet," meaning a type of black gemstone or a deep, intense black color. It evokes a sense of darkness or depth.

  47. Joel (Hebrew): Originating from Hebrew, it means "Yahweh is God." It's a name with biblical boy name with significance, belonging to a prophet in the Old Testament.

  48. Joey (English): Often a diminutive of Joseph, originating from Hebrew, meaning "God will add" or "increase."  Famous by Joey Tribbani.

  49. John (Hebrew): Derived from Hebrew, it means "God is gracious." John is a classic name with religious and historical significance, borne by several biblical figures.

  50. Juan (Spanish): The Spanish form of John, sharing the same meaning of "God is gracious."

  51. Jude (Latin): Originating from Latin, it means "praised." It's also associated with the apostle Jude in the New Testament.

  52. Kade (English): An English name that means "round" or "lumpy." It's a modern-sounding name that's gained popularity in recent years.

  53. Kane (Irish): Derived from the Irish surname O'Catháin, it means "battle" or "warrior." It signifies strength and bravery.

  54. Karl (Germanic): Coming from Germanic origins, it means "man" or "free man." It's the German form of Charles and carries royal connotations in various European countries.

  55. Kent (English): Originating from Old English, it means "coastal land" or "edge." It refers to someone who lives near the coast or the edge of a region.

  56. Kirk (Old Norse): A name with Old Norse roots, it means "church." It refers to a church building or a religious place.

  57. Kurt (Germanic): A Germanic name that means "counselor" or "adviser." It signifies wisdom and guidance.

  58. Kyle (Scottish): Originating from Scotland, it means "narrow" or "strait." It can also refer to a narrow channel of water.

  59. Lane (English): Derived from Old English, it means "path" or "roadway." It refers to a narrow road or a route.

  60. Leif (Scandinavian): Originating from Old Norse, it means "heir" or "descendant." Leif also refers to someone who inherits or continues a legacy.

  61. Leon (Greek): Derived from Greek, it means "lion." It signifies strength, courage, and nobility.

  62. Levi (Hebrew): Originating from Hebrew, it means "joined" or "attached." In the Bible, Levi was the third son of Jacob and Leah.

  63. Liam(Irish): A shortened form of William, Liam is of Irish origin and means "strong-willed warrior" or "protector." It's a popular name in Ireland.

  64. Lyle (English): Derived from Old French, it means "island." It often symbolizes someone who is isolated or lives near water.

  65. Lynn (Welsh): Originating from Welsh, it means "lake" or "waterfall." It's a unisex name, more commonly used as a middle name in recent times.

  66. Milo (Germanic): Derived from Germanic roots, Milo means "gracious" or "peaceful." It can also have connections to the Latin word "miles," meaning "soldier."

  67. Neil (Irish, Scottish): A name of Irish and Scottish origin, Neil means "champion" or "cloud." It's a name associated with valor and strength.

  68. Nico (Greek): A diminutive of Nicholas, Nico means "victory of the people." It's of Greek origin and carries a sense of triumph and success.

  69. Noah (Hebrew): Originating from Hebrew, it means "rest" or "comfort." In the Bible, Noah was known for building the ark before the flood.

  70. Omar (Arabic name): Derived from Arabic, Omar means "flourishing" or "long-lived." It's a name associated with thriving and longevity.

  71. Otis (Germanic): Coming from Germanic origins, Otis means "wealthy" or "prosperous." It's a name that signifies abundance and success.

  72. Owen (Welsh): Originating from Welsh, Owen means "young warrior" or "well-born." It represents youth and strength.

  73. Paul (Latin): Originating from Latin, Paul means "small" or "humble." It became popular due to Saint Paul, an influential figure in Christianity.

  74. Pete (Greek): Often a diminutive of Peter, which comes from Greek, meaning "rock" or "stone." It's a name associated with strength and stability.

  75. Quin (Irish): A name of Irish origin, Quin means "counsel" or "wisdom." It can also be a short form of Quinton, meaning "fifth."

  76. Raul (Spanish): Derived from Spanish, Raul means "wise wolf." It's a name symbolizing intelligence and strength.

  77. Reed (English): Originating from Old English, Reed means "red" or "ruddy." It also refers to the reed plant found in wetlands.

  78. Remy (French name): Derived from French origin, Remy means "oarsman" or "remedy." It's a name that signifies skill and healing.

  79. Rich (Germanic): A name of Germanic origin, Rich means "powerful" or "brave ruler." It's often used as a short form of Richard.

  80. Rudy (Germanic): Originating from Germanic roots, Rudy means "famous wolf." It's associated with renown and strength.

  81. Ryan (Irish): A name of Irish origin, Ryan means "little king" or "illustrious." It represents leadership and royalty.

  82. Saul (Hebrew): Coming from Hebrew, Saul means "asked for" or "prayed for." In the Bible, Saul was the first king of Israel.

  83. Sean (Irish): A name of Irish origin, Sean is the Irish form of John, which means "God is gracious." It's a common name in Ireland.

  84. Seth (Hebrew): Originating from Hebrew, Seth means "appointed" or "placed." In the Bible, Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve.

  85. Sven (Scandinavian): A name of Scandinavian origin, Sven means "young man" or "youth." It's a popular name in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries.

  86. Tari (Swahili): Derived from Swahili, Tari means "hope" or "expectation." It symbolizes optimism and anticipation.

  87. Tate (English): Originating from Old English, Tate means "cheerful" or "pleasant." It's a name associated with happiness and positivity.

  88. Trey (English): A name of English origin, Trey means "three." It's often used to denote the third child in a family.

  89. Troy (Greek): Originating from Greek mythology, Troy is the name of an ancient city in Asia Minor. The name is associated with bravery and history.

  90. Tyce (English): A name with English origins, Tyce means "fiery" or "fiery-tempered." It signifies strength and passion.

  91. Vann (English): Derived from Old English, Vann means "from the fen" or "from the swamp." It refers to someone living near marshy or wetland areas.

  92. Vito (Italian): Originating from Italian, Vito means "life" or "alive." It signifies vitality and energy.

  93. Wade (English): Originating from Old English, Wade means "to go" or "to pass." It refers to a ford or a crossing, often associated with water.

  94. Walt (Germanic): A diminutive of Walter, which comes from Germanic elements meaning "ruler" or "army." It's a name denoting leadership.

  95. Ward (English): Derived from Old English, Ward means "guardian" or "watchman." It signifies protection and responsibility.

  96. Wayne (English): A name of English origin, Wayne means "wagon maker" or "cartwright." It refers to someone who works with wagons or carts.

  97. Will (Germanic): A diminutive of William, which has Germanic origins, meaning "desire" or "will." It signifies determination and strength of mind.

  98. Wolf (Germanic): Originating from Germanic roots, Wolf means "wolf." It symbolizes strength, cunning, and wildness.

  99. Xavi (Spanish/Catalan): A diminutive of Xavier, which comes from Basque origins and means "castle" or "new house." It signifies leadership and strength.

  100. Xion (Chinese): Originating from Chinese, Xion means "brave" or "courageous." It's a name that represents bravery and valor.

  101. Yuri (Russian): Derived from Russian, Yuri means "farmer" or "husbandman." It's a name associated with agricultural work and the land.

  102. Zack (Hebrew): Often a diminutive of Zachary or Zacharias, which come from Hebrew and mean "God has remembered" or "the Lord remembers."

  103. Zane (Hebrew): Derived from Hebrew, Zane means "God is gracious." It's a name associated with divine favor and mercy.

Short in letters but vast in meaning, these 200 four-letter baby names have unraveled a tapestry of linguistic diversity and cultural richness. Whether you seek tradition, modernity, or a fusion of both, these names embody the essence of succinct elegance. Embrace the beauty of brevity as you navigate the realm of baby naming, finding inspiration in these petite yet profound appellations.

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